company info
About company

12154737Officially Registered Company

Gissis holding is the owner of shares and controlling interests of various entities of business activity, a major investor and investment partner.

Registered in 2016 in the UK, the holding company was originally a closed joint stock company, which did not have large assets and international partners, but three years of productive activity in the market allowed increasing capitalization by 800%, and now we are successfully developing more than 30 subsidiaries in different market sectors and different countries.

The cryptocurrency market is characterized by extreme volatility and a variety of financial instruments. Forex market has a record daily turnover, and buying/selling/renting real estate is the most reliable and break-even investment channel. In turn, affiliate hedge funds provide us with significant assistance in minimizing risks for a given yield. We fully use the principle of diversification, which allows us to stabilize and increase profits.

Profit source

The monitoring and statistics department of Gissis constantly monitors the emergence of new promising startups for the subsequent acquisition of their shares and participation in their development. After the integration of new entities into a single network, the distribution of financing, control of compliance with the interests of the holding, profit extraction, further refinancing and payments to partners take place.

3 main directions of our activity:

Long-term analysis of market conditions allowed us to determine the high liquidity and prospects of these areas.

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Our offer to clients

Technological breakthrough allows using even more investment opportunities. So, the holding company Gissis is not limited exclusively to its own partners in the face of legal entities, but also attracts individuals to investment activities through a worldwide network. Due to effective network marketing, we are able to attract large borrowed capital.

Clients have a unique opportunity to take part in the financing of various companies, firms and enterprises, without having at the same time impressive financial resources. Combining capital in a single network allows for the conclusion of large-scale agreements and increase financial turnover.

Significant investments (short-term, medium-term and long-term) bring large dividends and high interest rates for all partners and investors, and the official activities of the holding under the current legislation of the UK implies appropriate guarantees.

Our specialists

Our mission and goals

  • ensuring stable revenue growth for the company, investors and partners;

  • introduction of innovative solutions and new technologies to automate many processes and better interaction between all parts of the network;

  • using the principle of diversified investment in markets of different profitability;

  • ensuring the protection of deposits and timely performance of financial obligations to investors;

  • scaling up your business and conquest the top of international rankings.


Company management

The founder of the holding company Gissis is Gregory Leroy, who was born in 1965 and raised in Dover, near the English channel. Edouard Leroy, Gregory's father, was a successful owner of the Victoria hotel chain that determined the strong financial position of the family, the possibility of obtaining a good education and the availability of start-up capital for the younger Leroy to start his own business.

After studying at Oxford University (faculty of Economics), Gregory invested in the opening of a small consulting Agency ConsAgency. Several years of successful activity in this area have led to the emergence of new strategic partners, with the participation of which it was decided to merge capital and create a closed joint stock company.

The revolutionary year in the history of Gissis was 2016, when the joint-stock company was reformed into a holding company. Attraction of new sources of investments allowed expanding powers of the holding company on control of subsidiaries and granddaughters of firms, directly to influence their development, market activity and profitability. The parallel expansion of the staff of qualified specialists has led to rapid growth of capitalization and entry into the international market.

Gissis expanded its opportunities once again in 2019 in order to attract investments by launching this online platform, designed to attract as investors individuals-Internet users from around the world.

Nowadays, the activity of the holding company is conducted in more than 10 sectors of the market, and Gregory Leroy himself annually appears in the rankings of the richest people of our planet.